Thank you for visiting Breed My Fish, the site that teaches you how to breed saltwater fish such as clownfish, Banggai Cardinals, etc. We have articles, images, videos, diaries, step by step guides, and much more.
The purpose of this site is to promote captive breeding of marine fishes.

We as hobbyists have a responsibility in helping to sustain reefs because we are constantly taking more than what we put in. When you support captive breeding, you are helping the reefs and all those who live in it.
Therefore, I dedicate this blog to all those who breed fish, whether it is for business or personal, by providing resources to help with your success.  This blog contains articles that I wrote as well as links to places where you can purchase the materials.  I hope you will find it useful.
My goal is to expand this blog to include articles and diary of how to breed other marine lives written by other authors.  Please contact me if you’d like your articles and diary published here.
If you would like to use any contents in this site, please put a link back here and let me know about it. Thanks.
Michelle Tsai